Discover: Highlives

Just in case you’ve gotten tired of hearing about Neck Deep’s most recent album, here’s another solid pop-punk band that’s flying under the radar for now. They check all the pop-punk boxes: they’ve got an EP called “Misguided Youth,” and that EP cover pictures a cartoonized image of a kid holding a skateboard. The differences between the vast array of pop-punk bands out there are often subtle, but Highlives are worth taking note of. Their particular brand of pop-punk is slower than the likes of State Champs, allowing you to take a breath in between observations on the futility of life. The gentler pace also has the effect of making the songs feel more reflective, as steady instrumentals provide a stolid backdrop for the earnest vocals and nostalgic lyrics. This is not Neck Deep 2.0, but rather a pop-inspired and thought-out take on the classic pop-punk formula.

Favorites: “Wake Me Up,” “Nothing Left,” “Twenty Two”

Similar to: WSTR, ROAM, Seaway

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