Discover: Decline The Fall

Decline The Fall’s brand of alternative rock/metal has all the noise and energy that anyone could want out of a heavy band. Their music is dark and sometimes despairing, as evidence by tracks with titles such as “Fall Of Eden.” But the five-piece find ways to mix in lighter vocal hooks and sneaky, pop-inspired rhythms with their dense instrumentals. An element of the dramatic is never out of place in a heavy band, and Decline The Fall have just enough ornate metaphors and high-concept songs to ensure that their lyrical content matches the impressive, architectural feats of the instrumentals. Decline The Fall are not afraid of lengthy solos, allowing their songs to exceed six minutes at times, with a minute-long guitar intro. Depending on your tolerance for extravagant instrumentals, Decline The Fall may be a bit over-the-top. But if you don’t have a problem with a bit of extra gildedness around the edges, Decline The Fall have plenty of fanciful and elaborate prog-metal tracks on offer.

Favorites: “Carnival World,” “Mortal Men,” “Demons (Make My Demons Go)”

Similar to: Breaking Benjamin, Killswitch Engage, Three Days Grace